The Links Golf Society Report. Team Canada takes greenjacket

The midweek session was at the newly opened Hermes Golf Course formally parichat .
The course was in perfect condition with a couple of holes added to create some more variety,this being said the new first hole , a dog leg left has an out of bounds in the air component whereby if you go post the white markers you will be penalised a shot . Something very unique to a very quirky golf course.
Today’s greenjacket winner was from team Canada . Lee Winter with 33 points took the money from a perennial bridesmaid Steve Elles who finished on 32.
A triple countback was needed to separate the last 2 prize winners.
Steve Moxey prevailed with 29 points from George Mueller with the unlucky Johnny Masters missing out
The scores indicated the tough conditions the Hermes provides with most of the trouble coming from very hard and slick greens.
1…Lee Winter (15) 33 points
2… Steve Elle’s (9) 32
3 …Steve Moxey (11) 29 C/B
4… George Mueller (19)
#2 Gerry Cooke
#6 Selwyn Yates
#11 Steve Moxey
#14 Selwyn Yates
Friday’s game is at Pattana
Tee 11 10
Best 9 45
The members draw will follow the golf presentation