Bunker Boys Golf Report for the week commencing Monday September 23rd

Monday, September 23rd

Treasure Hill

1st Takeshi Hakozaki (17) 31 points

2nd Les Cobban (8) 30 points

3rd Bil Richardson (20) 28 points

Near pins Bil Richardson, Steven Downs, Dave Galvin, & Michael Brett.

Treasure Hill is a course that  is continually being improved upon, many of the waste and penalty areas are being cleaned out, nevertheless it remains probably the most difficult course on our roster.

Despite widespread storms and hurricanes across the region stretching from the Philippines through Vietnam and Cambodia with much of Thailand also affected, we had a very pleasant day for golf today with moderate temperatures and no wind, ideal for golf. Despite that, scores were just about the worst we have seen in recent visits to Treasure Hill with only two golfers breaching thirty points. In the fourth and also the slowest group we find today’s winner, Takeshi Hakozaki with thirty-one points. A big slump mid-round put paid to Les Cobban’s chances despite a brace of birdies, nevertheless he took second place a stroke back from Takeshi. Bil Richardson took third with twenty eight points.

All the near pins were taken as listed. Despite the course being quiet we still had a four hour round with much time spent looking for lost balls.

As we close in on the business end of the month the chase for golfer of the month is heating up with  three more games to go, can anybody beat Dave Galvin or will we see the monthly trophy on its way to Dublin?


Wednesday, September 25th

Pattaya Country Club

1st Michael Brett (19) 40 points

2nd Dave Galvin (20) 37 points

3rd Geoff Atwell (27) 35 points

Near pins Dave Galvin, Michael Brett, & Alan Sullivan X 2.

Our second last game of the year at Pattaya Country Club before they introduce ridiculous high season prices, three thousand baht weekdays and two hundred more at the weekend.  Because of its proximity to Pattaya and strong demand from seasonal visitors we have to take a back seat for the high season so our last game for the time being will be next Wednesday.

The course was in good condition apart from a few greens that were substandard due to sanding. Because of heavy overnight rain it was decided to play from the  white tees, and utilise pick, clean, and place, a good choice as it turned out.

Despite having yet another shocker with the putter Michael Brett managed somehow to amass a total of forty points to take first place, with better putting a score in the mid forties looked possible. Dave Galvin continued his run of good form to take second with thirty-seven points, he won’t give up till he has secured the trophy. After a break of a few weeks, and a no return on his last outing Geoff Atwell returned today with a new game and a new attitude to take third with thirty-five points. Returning from Blighty after a couple of weeks there Alan Sullivan was on point with the near pins taking two, Dave Galvin and Michael Brett got the other two, the unlucky one was Gerry Cooney also back from the UK who had his name on two near pins only to lose them, on another day both would have stood.


Friday, September 27th

Crystal Bay

1st Uwe Jurgensen (26) 37 points

2nd Michael Brett (18) 35 points

3rd Takeshi Hakozaki (17) 34 points

Near pins Steve Downs, Bil Richardson, & Michael Brett.

It has often been said that “timing is everything”, had we played yesterday we would undoubtedly have been washed out, today we played in fine conditions and only the last group on the last hole got a little rain, after they finished it came down heavily.

Apart from the bunkers which are always a disaster area, the rest of the course was in excellent condition, fairways well grassed and greens in decent condition, possibly a little variable in speed but still ok.

We expect an influx of players next week with the return of Peter Bottrell, Stuart Stammers, and Mick McMahon, several of our seasonal UK visitors must surely be just around the corner.

Today scores were about average for this course, it’s not uncommon to see forty plus scores. Top of the heap today Uwe Jurgensen took pride of place with a tidy thirty seven points. Second place went Michael Brett with thirty-five points whilst the ever reliableTakeshi Hakozaki took third a stroke back. Surprisingly nobody managed to get on to the long par three on A14, the other near pins went to Steve Downs, Bil Richardson, & Michael Brett.

With only one game left to play Dave Galvin is clinging on to a one point lead in the race for golfer of the month, will he cancel his flight home this weekend and defend his lead or will he take the risk? Next Monday at Pleasant Valley will tell

We have two new and exciting competitions running on the last day of each month generously sponsored by Rob Folland. The first is a five hundred baht for the longest putt on both the ninth and eighteenth holes. We also have one thousand baht mystery draw for any players with over six games, it is necessary to be at the Sports Lounge to receive your prize should you be the lucky one drawn


Winner at Treasure Hill Takeshi Hakozaki.

Winner at Pattaya Country Club Michael Brett.

Uwe Jurgensen, winner at Crystal Bay.