Tuesday 30th January 2024
1st Mark Bromwich (36) – 41 points
2nd Willem Lasonder (35) – 41 points
Thursday 1st February 2024
Bangpakong Riverside
1st Neil Harvey (24) – 41points
2nd Maurice Paradis (18) – 40/24 points
3rd Dave Smith (14) 40/23 points
4th Sam Jeffery (16) 40/19
On Tuesday we went to Greenwood, where we played the A&B course. We had a good turnout with 4 groups. It was a beautiful overcast day with a nice breeze. The condition of the course was good, but you could see that the course suffered on the dry weather. It was a nice day out.
The results were good today, but 2 players were in good form and kept each other in balance. Mark Bromwich and Willem Lasonder played a consistent round and ended both with 41 points. We had problems to find the winner. The back nine was for both players the same. Counting back on the front nine, desinated Mark Bromwich as the winner.
Returning to MyBar after golf was for 1 group a problem with the car keys in the trunk. With help of the Greenwood was the problem solved.
The near pins were for Max Vroom, Sam Jeffery and Maurice Paradis.
The spoon was for Theo Schroeder.
On Thursday was our venue Bangpakong Riverside. We left early to be on time, but even with navigators or Google can it be difficult to find the course. Finally, everybody arrived and we still could tee off on the planned time.
We had the greatest turnout of the last 2 year with 5 groups and played on a great course. It is a complete flat course with many ponds. The course was in good condition and fair greens. It was a half-overcast day and we missed the breeze.
The results were extraordinary with the toppers close together.
Neil Harvey was the man of the day and took the 1st place with his par on the last hole. He had 41 stable ford points. For the runner up we had to do some calculations. 3 players ended with 40 points. Finally became Maurice Paradis with24 points on the back nine the winner, beating Dave Smith and Sam Jeffery.
The near pins were Maurice Paradis, Keith Timmis and Mike Malott.
The spoon was for Dave Lea.