Bunker Boys Golf report for the week commencing Monday January 29th

Monday, January 29th

Greenwood A & B.

1st Mike Milland (20) 42 points

2nd Tony Berry (15) 39 points

3rd Paul Smith (2) 39 points

4th Rob Folland (15) 39 points

5th Tony Robbins (28) 36 points

6th Derek Stevenson (18) 35 points

Near pins, Mike Milland, Paul Smith, Hubert Stiefenhofer, & of course Phil Mashiter’s ace.

After a year of waiting the drought was finally broken today with Phil Mashiter getting the first Ace in over a year on the A6 hole at Greenwood, I believe Craig Dows got one early last year but not in a Bunker Boys competition, so it didn’t count. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait another year for the next one.

A decent field of twenty-nine for the second-last game of the month at Greenwood where we were allocated the A & B nines. As always the course was in good condition although the fairways were a bit damp in places, possibly due to overuse of the sprinkler system, they were also cut very tight so accuracy was paramount making contact with either fairway metals or irons. The bunkers possibly had a bit too much sand in them resulting in a number of fried eggs, the greens were good.

As is regularly the case at Greenwood scoring was of a high standard with Mike Milland compiling an excellent score of forty-two points, his generous twenty handicap looks in jeopardy. Tony Berry who has been struggling of late put it all together today to take second place with thirty-nine points on countback from Paul Smith and Rob Folland who finished third and fourth respectively. Tony Robbins who is getting uncomfortably close to our maximum handicap of thirty took fifth with thirty-six again on countback from Derek Stevenson.  All the near pins were taken, the highlight being Phil Mashiter’s ace, his first ever, the others went to Paul Smith, Hubert Stiefenhofer, and Mike Milland who is becoming a regular with near pins.


Wednesday, January 31st


1st Michael Brett (18) 35 points

2nd Paul Smith (2) 34 points

3rd Kob Glover (15) 31 points

4th Mike Milland (19) 30 points

5th Roger Tuohy (15) 29 points

6th Alan Sullivan (13) 29 points

Near pins Rob Folland, Kob Glover, Mike Milland, & Phil Mashiter.

A ninety-five-kilometer trip today for a rare visit to Suphapruek, most had not played the course before and were looking forward to the change of scenery. The course was chosen as a substitute for Wangjuntr who now imposes ridiculous regulations on who can play and at what fees applied to them including proof of residency etc. A course mostly considered a novelty is hardly in a position to be so selective and just goes to show the truth of the old adage “When one door shuts another opens” as happened today when we played a far superior course. Subhapruek was in fine condition, a little soft underfoot probably due to some heavy rain yesterday. The greens were deceptively slower than they looked and proved a real challenge for several players.

Scoring was on the modest side as the course played very long off the yellow tees and with no run on the fairways. Thirty-five points were enough to secure first place for Michael Brett, one ahead of Paul Smith in second. Kob Glover was expected to win given how far ahead the red tees were over the yellows, however, she had to settle for third

with thirty-one points. Mike Milland was in the frame again in fourth place with thirty points. Despite a horror day with the putter Roger Tuohy finished in fifth place on countback

ahead of Alan Sullivan. In consecutive games Mike Milland and Phil Mashiter took near pins on some of the most difficult par three anywhere, Rob Folland and Kob Glover got the other two.

A tie for the golfer of the month between Niall Glover and Paul Smith, both with two hundred and twenty points, having had more first placings over the course of the month Niall was declared the winner.

A breakaway group who either didn’t like the additional travel or increased cost or both made alternate arrangements today to play Crystal Bay where it was rumoured that Ken Davidson had a remarkable forty-five points. Either his handicap needs a serious haircut or he needs to be drug tested before his next game. With the Memorial just around the corner, this was a serious statement of intent by Ken.


Friday, February 2nd


1st Brendan Harnett (19) 42 points

2nd Kob Glover (15) 39 points

3rd Jon Dean (16) 39 points

4th Ken Davidson (26) 36 points

5th Geoff Parker (22) 35 points

6th Tony Robbins (28) 35 points

Near pins Geoff Williams, Mike Milland, & Paul Smith X 2.

Another split round today with the main group of twenty-seven going to the scheduled venue Pattavia whilst another group of twelve went to Bangpra. It would be difficult to find two more contrasting courses, one brown, dry, and hard with the other lush green and in very fine condition.

Another winning score of forty-two points for the week, this time going to Brendan Harnett although a seven-stroke difference between his PSC and his home handicap did raise some eyebrows and served to highlight an issue that we need to address. A countback to decide second and third where Kob Glover took it over Jon Dean. Yet another good score from Ken Davidson saw him take fourth with thirty-six points whilst a countback decided fifth and sixth where Geoff Parker got the better of Tony Robbins. For the third time this week Mike Milland got a near pin, nice to see Geoff Williams also got one with Paul Smith taking two.

A big week is in store next week with the memorial being played at Treasure Hill on Wednesday, for the first time since the pandemic, sadly we have a few more names to add to the trophy this year with the passing of PJ Redmond, Geoff Cox, and Ken Elmore. With several players showing very good form it will be interesting to see who does the business, also there will be keen competition for the team prize, or could it be that as regularly happens at Treasure Hill the course will sort out the men from the boys?



Mike Milland, winner at Greenwood.

Phil Mashiter, hole-in-one at Greenwood.

Michael Brett, winner at Subhapruek.